Recycling is a core part of Hotel G’s company values. And while the culture of sustainability is inspired by the planet and set by the management, our employees are carrying things out on property daily, so we have also implemented fun incentives as a way to show them that we appreciate their efforts to work as sustainably as possible.
Energy Conservation
All lighting systems use energy saving bulbs, our boilers are max efficiency, and all kitchen equipment has been inspected to be in working condition without wasting natural emissions. The hotel is always working to reduce energy use while sustaining, and whenever possible, enhancing, the guest experience.
Water Conservation
Within guest rooms, laundry, and kitchens, the hotel continues to implement efficiencies that reduce water and wherever possible, harmful chemicals that are used to treat water systems and clean facilities. Efforts range from the linen and towel reuse programs that are now an industry standard, to the installation of low-flow faucets, water restrictors on showerheads, toilets and other fixtures.
Recycling and Waste Reduction
Recycling programs for all the basics such as newspapers and beverage containers are easily accessible throughout the property to encourage this option. In addition to recycling efforts, the hotel is always looking for opportunities to reduce the use of paper and other disposables altogether, including a reduction of printing paper by utilizing double-sided printing and electronic files. The restaurant team is researching a comprehensive composting plan for food waste to implement upon re-opening.
Bath Amenities
Hotel G is making a statement by offering guests custom-formulated soap amenities made free from animal biproducts, parabens, or environmentally harsh chemicals – available in easy to use branded bulk dispensers in each of the bathrooms, thus eliminating hundreds of thousands of single use plastic amenity bottles throughout the year. With this switch we are proud to use no single use plastic hotelwide.
We have also contracted with a company called ‘Save The World’ in Florida that recycles our used soaps into small bars and sends them to 3rd world countries who might not have easy access to soap for hygiene.
Room Keys
Our contemporary plastic key cards are made from a bioplastic that are better for the environment but equally as durable, and our key card covers are made from recycled paper – and also recycled internally for re-use.
Cleaning Products
Hotel G recognizes the importance of safer products for guests and employees as well as the environment, so we have shifted to cleaning products that are made with bio-based oils and other natural but highly effective cleaners. By making the switch, they are reducing the use of products with chlorine bleach and petrochemical derivatives. These more natural products have proven performance, are less irritating to guests and employees, and less destructive to the environment.
Bottled Water Alternatives
In support of waste reduction and a higher-quality experience, Hotel G has always been proud to offer unique hydration options for meeting attendees and independent travelers via Boxed Water branded water. The water comes in a box vs single use plastic & the company encourages guests to participate in their ongoing campaign to plant another million trees.
The Bottom Line
From property-wide initiatives to guest rooms, food and beverage, we continually evaluate what continued efforts are being, and can be made, to be more sustainable. These trends in hospitality can help potential guests to make more informed choices, and have a greater collective effort on the planet, which we are proud to be a small part of.
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